



Title of work

Angeline Meitzler, Mindy Seu

Feminisms, bio-hacktivism

Cyberfeminism Index

Jasmine McNealy

Policy, data, privacy, surveillance

An Ecological Approach to Data Governance A screenshot of the website the link goes to.

Ashley Jane Lewis


Investing in Futures: Beyond Policing A screenshot of the website the link goes to.

Ingrid LaFleur


The Afrofuture Strategies Institute

Stephanie Dinkins

Afro-now-ism, documentary practices, emergent media

Towards an Equitable Ecosystem of Artificial Intelligence A screenshot of the website the link goes to.

Ari Melenciano

Electromedia, pedagogy, omni-specialized design

Radical Technoculture for Racial Equity A Black person holding a flag at the Black Panther Party convention at the Lincoln Memorial in 1970.

Romi Ron Morrison

Black feminist futurity

Gaps between the digits: On the fleshy unknowns of the HUMAN

Sareeta Amrute

Technological capital

On Surveillance

Neta Bomani, Jazsalyn McNeil

Art, critical race & code studies

The Black Beyond

Josie Williams

Algorithmic equity

NYPD Precinct Database

Woodrow Winchester III

Afrofuturism, Engineering

Engaging the Black Ethos: Afrofuturism as a Design Lens for Inclusive Technological Innovation

Nettrice Gaskins


The Rise & Fall of Racial Capitalism A screenshot from the project video.

Kadija Ferryman


Fairness in Precision Medicine A screenshot from the project video.

Loretta Cheeks

AI, ML, bias intensity, complex systems

Modeling Double Subjectivity for Gaining Programmable Insights: Framing the Case of Uber

Shaka McGlotten

Art, networked intimacies

Black Data

Amelia Winger-Bearskin

Art, performance, coding, XR, AI

Amir Baradaran

AR, XR, Decolonial AI, Policy, Non-Linear Narrative, Arts-based Research

An[0]ther {AI} in Art: Decolonizing Artificial Intelligence and Art Making

Audrey Bennett, Ron Eglash

Art, Design, AI, STS, CS

Artisanal Cyborgs

Vincent Harding, Krista Tippett

History, civil rights

Is America Possible?